Tuesday, September 28, 2010

CAPSC/PAC Public Service Annoucement

A public service announcement received regarding the upcoming trustee election.

23 September, 2010

The Calgary Association of Parents and School Councils and Calgary Public Teachers ATA Local 38 are encouraging all members of the school community to cast an informed vote for their public school in the upcoming October 18 municipal election. Now, more than ever, your vote counts!

•Our educational system is experiencing transformational change.
•Inspiring Action and Setting the Direction are moving forward.
•The Education Minister is opening up the School Act.
•The Calgary Board of Education works with a budget of just over $1B.
•The board of trustees make decisions that impact over 100,000 students and 9,000 employees.
•Education is facing challenging economic times.
We need to ensure the best candidates are elected to our board!

CAPSC and ATA Local 38 have collaborated on a candidate questionnaire. Trustee candidates’ responses to that questionnaire will be available on line at www.calgarytrusteeelections.com beginning Monday, September 27.

CAPSC is sponsoring forums in all city ward pairings beginning Monday, September 27. The complete forum schedule can be found online at www.capsc.ca

The Calgary Association of Parents and School Councils is an incorporated non-profit society whose membership consists mainly of public school councils. We meet monthly to learn about and discuss a variety of educational issues with expert and informed guest speakers.


Leslie Newton Fern Schmidt Heide Doppmeier
Vice President Public School Trustee Forum Coordinator Political Action Chair
CAPSC CAPSC Calgary Public TeachersLeslie.Newton@capsc.ca Fern.Schmidt@capsc.ca ATA Local 38

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