Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Campbell's Labels For Education

Help MTS redeem free stuff! 
MTS registered with the Campbell Soup’s Labels for Education campaign. This campaign asks families to save Campbell Soup product labels/ UPC codes and donate them to the school. The school collects them and can then redeem them for items such as gym equipment, musical instruments, DVD’s, books, etc.

Eligible products include:
  • All Campbell Soup products (i.e. Chunky Soup; Condensed Soup; Gardennay; Healthy Request Bowls)
  • Campbell Soup broths
  • Easy Cooking Sauce
  • PREGO Pasta Sauce
  • PACE Salsa
  • GOLDFISH crackers
  • V8 beverages

ALL LABELS/UPC Codes can be sent to school with your child or dropped off at the main office.


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