Friday, March 22, 2013

March Meeting Recap

To kick off the MTS School Council Meeting we heard from Mrs. Phelan and Ms. Youngstrom about what our Grade 3 students are currently focusing on with regards to "The Elements of Story" and "Math in our World"!

Dr. Slater and Mrs. Reichardt shared some exciting updates with us! Our school now has a snow-blower in addition to our snow-removal tractor. This means that when there are heavy snowfalls Sandy will have an alternative to snow-removal over the tractor which gets repeatedly stuck in large depths of snow. Much of our snow removal still has to be done by hand so please be patient.

More exciting news!! Our school will be receiving it's final set of relocatables this year! They should be up and ready for use come September!

In preparation for Tony Bromhead, principal of David Thompson Middle School, coming to address our Parent Council next month there was much discussion about topics we would like him address. If you have comments you would like passed on please forward them to Jenn R. ( or Sean T. ( Mr. Bromhead will make a presentation and will also be prepared for a time of Q&A following, if you want to hear more about David Thompson Middle School please plan to attend our next meeting Monday, April 29th at 6:30 PM

Our Coco Brooks fundraiser will be ready to pick up soon! If you ordered pizzas please be prepared to pick them up April 9th between the hours of 6:30 - 8:00 in the teachers parking lot at the west end of the school. For food safety reasons we cannot have the frozen pizzas out of a freezer any longer than this time window and the MTSPA has no way of storing pizzas that are not picked up so please set a reminder.

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