Please come between 3 and 5 pm today December 9th to pick up your poinsettia orders. In the learning commons☺
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
Monday, November 30, 2015
MTSPA Meets Tonight!!
Join us in the staff room at 6:30 to discuss what has been going on at your child's school! Fundraising, Christmas Concert, and playground construction are just some of the topics to be discussed. Hope to see you there!
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
MTSPA/Council Meeting Minutes - October 26th Meeting
Below are the minutes from the last Council Meeting. The next meeting is coming up on Monday November 30th at 630 pm. Hope to see you there.
MCKENZIE TOWNE SCHOOL Council October 26th, 2015
Location: Mckenzie Towne school
Welcome and Roll Call - Jenn started things off
Timekeeper – Leanne
Approval of the agenda - approved
Adoption of September 2015 minutes - adopted and passed
5 minutes | VICE CHAIR’S REPORT – Tara R.
Update on Grounds:
CBE has not provided any updates on grading and fixing the drainage on the side of the school by playground. Just need an answer if they’re going to help or not. Contacts at CBE are:
Mike Schellenberg (Yard) 403 660-0160
Dean McTavish (Playground) 403 817 6376
Concerned parents are free to call for updates. Sean suggested that the way to ‘get action’ from CBE is that parents call in as well.
5 minutes | KEY COMMUNICATOR’S REPORT – Misty B.
Facebook page has been working well for new conversations and question/answer. Reminder to keep conversations and questions on topic (regarding Council only) not questions on field trips, etc. Misty reminded everyone to call All State for discounts on insurance.
Linda could not attend - she sent in this via email:
Good Afternoon Everyone,
Good Afternoon Everyone,
My apologies for the last minute notice but something has come up and I am unable to attend the meeting tonight.
I have a few updates, if someone could read that would be great.
Halloween Howl - it was a haul getting so many volunteers but I believe that after the email sent last night we are now covered for the event. I know Angela had to cut a couple of stations but I think overall it will still be a good event.
Fun Lunch - Jenn will have to update on how the response for room parents getting volunteers worked. This I think will be a work in process.
Sign Up Genius - not sure if we have had any feedback on this yet but if there is please pass it along. (she needs to know this)
If there is anything else that pertains to the volunteer coordinator role please let me know
Thanks all, see you all at next month's meeting. Thanks, - Linda
20 minutes | TEACHER’S REPORT
Grade Four Team
Mr. Klasen - mentioned that the children were more prepared this year because of the prototyping from last year. The children are learning in a different way (with movement). The children are learning ‘a deeper meaning’ of Remembrance Day with Trickster
Mrs. Barr - working on a Remembrance Day assembly with Trickster Theatre. They’re have 10 days with Trickster (via AFA grant). They asked the children why we remember on Remembrance Day. McKenzie Towne Senior’s home has been asked if there are residents who may want to attend. There are 13 scenes in the play that have a cause and effect through line. The children are learning about the impact of war, freedom, etc.
Mrs. Kruger - group used what was used last year as a template of sorts to get the ball rolling this year.
Ms. Monkman - the kids today experienced something that is serious and somber and got a chance to take ownership of that. Final touches will go on next week. The Assembly is Monday Nov 9 at 1:00PM. It’s open to parents and all students.
There was a question about how spelling words and direction is determined for students to learn. Ms Monkman explained that there is an assessment that is given to determine this. More emphasis on phonetic spelling in Grade 4 (over sight words) All students have their own lists of words to work on (based on what they need to work on) If students breeze through the initial set of words, they get to choose what they want to work on
Swimming starts tomorrow
Another question on ‘learning through the arts’ (Trickster, etc.) and whether this is helping with their own learning. Mrs. Kruger talked about the differences between engagement and how children learn differently with this. The teachers talk every week and compare notes on what’s working and what’s not. The arts helps with ‘turning on the light bulbs’ with understanding concepts - the intellectual engagement of learning through the arts piece. Students are motivated to learn this way and it shows
Staffing update - Mrs. Wonderham was on mat leave but her and her husband moved away during this time - that made way for Ms. Monkman to obtain a continuous contract with CBE
20 minutes | LEADERSHIP REPORT – Lorraine Slater & Bobbie Schmidt
Report on "Tell them from Me" Survey data
Measures 22 indicators based on classroom effectiveness
Data collected from 75 students in Grade 4 (done online)
Compared with Canadian norms
Helps shape teaching direction from year to year
Safe and Caring Environment:
It was mentioned that the sensitivity towards / perception of bullying is very high right now (in the public psyche) and that the difference between boys and girls comes down to a matter of general difference between gender - pushing, shoving, etc. with boys (that’s natural) - the data is likely skewed because of this (just a concept)
Alberta Education has a definitive meaning of what bullying is
5 minutes | ROUNDTABLE
Curriculum Evenings
There was a question at last month’s meeting about teaching nights (literature night, math night, etc) - and whether they could happen again. It was all based on volunteer time. Tara suggested that a Survey goes out and pushed out via teacher blogs, school website and Facebook. Workshops were well attended in the past. Agreed to collect feedback from the community through a survey before moving ahead - Tara and Jenn to arrange
There was a question at last month’s meeting about teaching nights (literature night, math night, etc) - and whether they could happen again. It was all based on volunteer time. Tara suggested that a Survey goes out and pushed out via teacher blogs, school website and Facebook. Workshops were well attended in the past. Agreed to collect feedback from the community through a survey before moving ahead - Tara and Jenn to arrange
Next Meeting Monday, November 30th at 6:30
In attendance:
Jesse J
Aricka B
Sean T
Jenn R
Tara R
Karen T
Lacey S
Amy C
Ian W
Kristen S.C
Melissa C
Jill L
Ellen B
Cynthia B
Misty B
Ryan K
Nicole B
Karmen K
Ashley M
Bobbie S
Angela R
Judy H
Nicole T
Joey S
Kristen F
Leanne W
Theresa B
Bill S.
Location: McKenzie Towne School
Location: McKenzie Towne School
Roll call - done
Approval of the agenda - approved
Adoption of minutes from September 2015 - adopted
15 minutes | CHAIR’S REPORT – Jenn R
Reminder that student field trips, etc. can not be posted on the Council info, Facebook, etc.
Bylaw Changes - approved across the board - Jenn will submit for approval with Society
Bylaw Changes - approved across the board - Jenn will submit for approval with Society
Jenn’s changes are:
Change to Definitions
(xiii) "Special Resolution" means a resolution requiring a 3/4th majority vote (75%0 by those Members in attendance to pass. A Special Resolution can only be done at a General Meeting by giving Members 21 days or more notice of this meeting.
(xiii) "Special Resolution" means a resolution requiring a 3/4th majority vote (75%0 by those Members in attendance to pass. A Special Resolution be done at a any meeting by giving Members 21 days or more notice of this meeting.
Addition to Definitions
(xiv) "Election Meeting" is the meeting, separate from the AGM where elections are held for the directors. The Election Meeting will be the final meeting of the school year before summer break. Directors elected at this meeting will be incumbent and they will take over their positions at the AGM in the fall.
1.2 In regard to Calgary Board of Education administrative policy, Members who are employees of the Calgary Board of Education are prohibited from being elected to an Executive position and shall not have signing authority for the Society. The number of Members who are employees of the Calgary Board of Education shall be monitored and limited as necessary in the discretion of the Executive so that such Members do not grow to such a number as may be considered sufficient to influence the independence of the decisions of the Society.
1.2 In regard to Calgary Board of Education administrative policy, Members who are employees of the Calgary Board of Education may be elected to an Executive position. Should the position hold signing authority, and the Member is employed at McKenzie Towne School, the position can not take effect until it has been approved for by the Area Director (as per CBE Administrative Regulation 5001 Clause 5:14a). The number of Members who are employees of the Calgary Board of Education shall be monitored and limited as necessary in the discretion of the Executive so that such Members do not grow to such a number as may be considered sufficient to influence the independence of the decisions of the Society. As per CBE Administrative Regulation 5001 Clause 5:14b " Calgary Board of Education employees must not form a majority of the members of a school council for the school in which they work."
2.2 The Directors and the Treasurer will be elected for a two-year term at the AGM. All other Executive will be deemed to be the same as those Executive Members of the School Council, having been duly elected at the School Council AGM held on the same date as the Society AGM. The Immediate Past Chair is not elected but assumes the position upon a new Chair being elected, and hold the position until a subsequent Chair is elected, or until resigning. A vacancy in the Immediate Past-Chair position cannot be filled other than by election of a new Chair.
2.2 The Directors and the Treasurer will be elected for a two-year term at the Election Meeting in May or June. All other Executive will be deemed to be the same as those Executive Members of the School Council, having been duly elected at the School Council Election Meeting, held on the same date as the Society Election Meeting, in May or June. Should any positions remain unfilled at the Election Meeting, another election call may be made at the AGM. The Immediate Past Chair is not elected but assumes the position upon a new Chair being elected, and hold the position until a subsequent Chair is elected, or until resigning. A vacancy in the Immediate Past-Chair position cannot be filled other than by election of a new Chair.
2.3 The terms of office shall run from AGM to AGM two years hence.
2.3 The terms of office shall run from AGM to AGM two years hence. With all elections being held at the election meeting in May. All newly elected positions, although elected at the election meeting, will take effect as of the end of the Annual General Meeting the following September. The time from May to September will be a handover period from current to newly elected executives.
2.7 An Executive Member may resign at anytime during his / her term, at any regular, special or AGM meeting of the Society, provided that two week's advance written notice has been given by mail, hand delivery, fax, or email to the other Executive Members. In the case that a resignation is received outside of an AGM, the Members may appoint a member to fulfill the duties of the resigned Executive Member until the position can be filled by election at the next society AGM, except as noted in Article 4.2.
2.7 An Executive Member may resign at anytime during his / her term, at any regular, special or AGM meeting of the Society, provided that two week's advance written notice has been given by mail, hand delivery, fax, or email to the other Executive Members. In the case that a resignation is received outside of an Election Meeting or AGM, the Members may appoint a member to fulfill the duties of the resigned Executive Member until the position can be filled by election at the next society Election Meeting or AGM if necessary as per Article 2.2, except as noted in Article 4.2.
3.6(c) in the event that the Vice Chair is unable to fulfill the responsibilities as chair, the Past Chair will return as Chair until the election of a new Chair at the next AGM.
3.6(c) in the event that the Vice Chair is unable to fulfill the responsibilities as chair, the Past Chair will return as Chair until the election of a new Chair at the next Election Meeting, in this instance no hand-over period is required and the newly elected Chair will assume duties as of the Election Meeting.
4.5 Chairs of standing committees shall submit a written report of their work at the AGM
4.5 Chairs of standing committees shall submit a written or oral report of their work at the AGM
The following items shall be removed from Article 9: Annual General Meeting as the business of the AGM will no longer include elections. All clause numbers shall be altered accordingly
9.3 - Election of Executive
9.5 - The business of the AGM shall include (but is not limited to ):
(a) the election of Executive from among Members, and their executive positions
10.1 The bylaws remain in force from year to year unless amended by a Special Resolution of the Member at an AGM
10.1 The bylaws remain in force from year to year unless amended by a Special Resolution of the Member at any meeting where the minimum 21days notice has been given to the membership.
Parents Council was told that we can not purchase the stage (as planned) Jenn talked to someone at CBE to get of the bottom of it and was told that they will get back to her. AGLC has regulations around this too. See below for an email from Jenn that explains this.
Hi All,
Hi All,
So, there is a conflict with us purchasing the stage for the school. The AGLC will only let us use the funds for a capital item like a stage if we own it, but the CBE will not let the school use it unless they own it. I have a call in to someone in donations at the CBE to get clarity on their position, because it seems ridiculous! But in the meantime Dr. Slater suggested that perhaps we could pay for half of the stage and perhaps look at another option as a legacy item, specifically some new furniture that the school is looking at for the round area in the Learning Commons.
All this being said, I have revamped the budget to see if we can pay for 1/2 of a stage out of the operating fund . . . Have a look at the attached and let me know your thoughts. . . Hopefully I can get something cleared up with downtown, but we should probably have a back-up plan.
Proposed Budget changes: Mrs. Slater has suggested that we look at allocating funds to the learning commons instead of the stage project. We don’t know if the same liability issues would arise as with the stage(?) We need to wait for more info and then make a final decision. Jenn is waiting to hear back from CBE.
10 minutes | FUN LUNCH COMMITTEE – Jen C.
Update - Jen was not here so Tara reported.
Gingerbreads & Oranges - not sure if there is money in the budget for this (up to $350) - motion carried 1516-3 to allocate funds
Volunteering is strong!
Dec and March there will not be Fun Lunches
There were 280 orders placed
Concern around peanut allergies - a letter was going to go out to parents about a plan
15 minutes | FUNDRAISING REPORT – Leanne W.
Update on SUTP - finished up on this and came in above target (over $5000)
Update on Halloween Howl - volunteers have signed up - need 2 more. There will raffles - Hitman tickets, front row tickets to Christmas Concert, $200 travel voucher
Update on Halloween Howl - volunteers have signed up - need 2 more. There will raffles - Hitman tickets, front row tickets to Christmas Concert, $200 travel voucher
$2780 in sales so far!
Stations are the same as last year + a photo booth
In November, Indigo will dedicate a night where a % of purchases will be given to MTS.
All State and Cobbs remain donors
In November, Indigo will dedicate a night where a % of purchases will be given to MTS.
All State and Cobbs remain donors
Poinsettia campaign is next - all done through TeamFund this year, all online - still waiting for delivery date
5 minutes | TREASURER’S REPORT – Karen T.
Provided update on Operating and Casino Accounts
Provided update on Operating and Casino Accounts
5 minutes | CASINO REPORT – Bill S.
Bill has paperwork to submit to AGLC
5 minutes | ROUNDTABLE
Just a few questions about email delivery
Next Meeting Monday November 30th, immediately following MTC meeting
In attendance:
Jesse J
Aricka B
Jenn R
Tara R
Karen T
Lacey S
Amy C
Ian W
Kristen S.C
Melissa C
Jill L
Ellen B
Cynthia B
Misty B
Judy H
Nicile T
Joey S
Kristen F
Leanne W
Theresa B
Bill S.
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